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" The Weir Sept Of Lochiel " $20.00 a copy + $13.00 shipping Can/US funds
Our titles in most cases are always available for those interested individuals who desire to purchase a copy & support our efforts. Thanks for this act of Kindness. AWF
 By George D. Weir, Stephens City Va, 22655, 1989, size 8.5x11, illustrated with about 75 photos, 88 pages, with 7 page name index.
Available as supplies last Cat# 3074 Cost $20.00 Can funds in Canada, + $13.00 shipping Payment options from USA Money order Payable to Alex W Fraser, or via PayPal Cost $20.00 US funds to USA, + $13.00 shipping
Table of Contents
introduction ....... 1
Family History ....... 3
James Weir (Founder) [1790-1866] ....... 7
Ann Margaret Weir McDonnell [1820-1896] ....... 9
Catherine Weir McMillan [1825-1856] ....... 11
James Weir (the Weaver) [1827-18??] ....... 13
Andrew Weir [1830-1904] ....... 21
Daniel A Weir [1866-1926] ....... 37
John W Weir [1834-??] ....... 53
Benjamin J Weir [1839-1926] ....... 69
William Weir [1838-??] ....... 75
Addition/Change form ....... 77
Index of Names ....... 78
Includes 11 x 17 folder chart and a 3 page addenda
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